Friday, 13 December 2013
Working to find love
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
You ain't got nothing to prove to no one!
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
Sunday, 8 December 2013
You don't have to go to the gym
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Let your skin breath
Sunday, 6 October 2013
For men only
Saturday, 5 October 2013
For women only
Due to a lot of fashion changes in recent years some women have started to wear a variety of clothing such as a lot of trousers that are slim fitted or leggings that compliment there body, not to say you shouldn’t wear a certain clothing epically if you want to feel attractive or have sculpted your body to a desired way or saying that women don’t have the right to wear what they want or that women have to dress a certain way this isn't the point thats being addressed but it’s important to be aware of your body and the natural process.
The womb and vagina need oxygen and sun light to keep it healthy and rejuvenated and a lot of women wear slim fit jeans that can limit them making the feel confined and limited which can make them feel agitated or angry or hot and uncomfortable as the saying goes “what’s got your knickers in a twist” or “what’s got your panties in a bunch” this staying can derive from the clothing you wear can be constrictive and pull you down literally, so it’s important to wear a dress from time to time to embrace your femininity and be proud of your body help to create a natural flow similar to when you get home you wear less clothing as you feel more comfortable that way.
Also some cases of wearing slim fit trousers can cause thrush or chafing and vaginal discharge due to the lack of oxygen and the rubbing of the clothing on your skin. Furthermore when wearing these slim fit jeans that have been washed, a lot the time the washing detergent people use contain a lot of unnatural chemicals that cause, a variety of reactions such as urinary infection, thrush, vaginal discharge and a variety of infections due to the chemicals being so close to the vagina. Moreover even some tampons and pads are laced with unnatural fragrances that again react to the vagina and cause allergic reactions for females as it’s such a sensitive area. So try to wear a dress and embrace your divine feminine energy and allow yourself to blossom as beautiful women through wearing a dress and try pay attention to the colours you wear, as different colours carry a vibrational frequency which can make you feel joyful and energetic and beautiful. So appreciate yourself for what you truly are, an astonishing women.
Be Creative
There are two sides of the brain the right side of the brain and the left side of the brain, the left side of the brain is in charge of structure, order, logic, reason and formulas whereas the right side of the brain is in charge of creativity, passion, laughter, joy and boundless imagination.
Most people use the left side of the brain due to the high usage of it in the education system, were you are taught to remember something then use that knowledge in a exam to see how well you have remembered, which can have a positive effect such as increasing your memory but a low use of the right side of the brain can be detrimental. You should always try to use both sides of the brain in day to day life this can be also used in working out. As some people use either the left or the right side of the brain when working out for example they will say I’m going to do 10 sit ups which is the left side of the brain due to the structure, or some will say I’m going to be creative and try do as much as possible until i get tired, which is the right side of the brain; both in all can be effective but using both side of the brain can be even more effective.
A lot of the music today is catered to create dopamine in the body, dopamine creates a “feel good” type feeling which you can exploite into your work out. So be creative put on your favourite song, and work out to it, even plan to finish your work out until the end of the song as generally a song is between 3-5 minutes in length so using the right side of your brain, you have thought of a creative way to do sit ups for example because of the increase of dopamine from the music or doing sit ups each time the beat drops but the left side of the brain believes there is a formula and is going to continue to push you until the end of the song. But the result is that you can do more than you have ever done. So be creative try different things that work for you, and remember the creativity is limitless.
Hybrid food is food that is artificially created by putting two or more things together this is used in agriculture to help speed up the process of plant life by fusing with one or more plants to make more plants or increase the output in plant life or even to stop a plant having a characteristic such as removing the seed and making it become seedless. You should aim to avoid hybrids,as its not the natural process and therefore the plant is not 100% natural, here is a list of hybrids and and some alternatives.
Hybrids and alternatives
Lemon- Lime or key limes with seeds
White Flour- Spelt Flour
Seedless grapes- Seeded Grapes
Pineapple- Soursop
Tea- Morenga Tea, Camolie Tea, Lemon Grass Tea Ginger tea
Carrot- Purple Carrot
White sugar- Maple crystal, agave nectar, maple syrup
Sugar is not the enemy
Don't be too hard on yourself
Subtle Significances
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Control your breathing
Thursday, 12 September 2013
A Protein Alternative
One alternative to protein is Spirulina which is an alkaline blue-green algea which can come in a variety of forms such as powder, tablets and in its natural state which can be added to soups drinks and teas and is consumed in over 70 counties in the world and is high in vitamins and minerals and most importantly oxygen, some may think because there use to eating large quantities of meat or dairy products that to switch to a protein alternative may not have the correct effects needed, when in fact spirulina has 300% more protein than fish meat and diary which is why only a small amount is needed to have substantial effects.
So one thing to try for people who want a high protein diet is Spirulina
Selling Your Self A Dream
So sell yourself a dream sometimes do get your results
Get A Buddie
The house, stress and the sun
When we eat, some of the cholesterol is stored into are skin then when the sun UVB rays grace your skin this cholesterol is then modified and converted into vitamin d3 where it then travels to the liver where it is again converted to calcidiol, then sent to the kidney which is then biologically activated to calcitriol. This activated calcitriol (vitamin d) works to absorb calcium in are food for bone growth and strength very similar to the way plants need sun for growth.
Studies have shown that being in nature can have a mental and physical effect on the body; brains in nature are seen to have more activity in stability, energy, empathy and love maybe due to the circular state and openness of nature where by a individual may feel limitless. Where as man made structures are designed in a box format, which studies have shown to create brain activity associated with fear and stress due to the confined state, as the saying goes “think out side the box” this can apply to your work out, as sometimes you may feel like you have no energy because your at home or been at work all day indoor and your thoughts may be confined and the feeling of stress can overwhelm you, and being indoors in a box makes you feel like you have no energy but as soon as you leave your house, the feeling of more energy appears before you because, you are outdoors in a circular place and fresh air and sun which can help benefit you similar to when people get stressed and go for a walk.
So get out the house and instead of going to the gym to use the treadmill actually run in the park and get some vitamin d to again assist with weight loss or achieving the desired out come that you want.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Being happy and words
One fundamental aspect of dieting and a healthy diet and balance is being happy. Which is overlooked by so much people as they see it as a choir or something unpleasant they want to get out of the way.
So being happy is something that must be taken into account and enjoying yourself,as the body as 7 chakras and if they are not activated because of being unhappy the body can't function to 100 percent of its full potential which is why you see so much people at the gym who are working out or people who are eating healthily but appear to look depressed, or look physically fit but there eyes bare the symptoms of someone really stressed . So being happy is key especially with using the correct words for example when people work out they may say "I need to get my work out, out of the way" which makes it an ordeal rather than a pleasure.
So utilise the power of your words to make yourself more happy allowing yourself to move forward avoiding negative words that may set your back and feel negative about your self. Most importantly love yourself and make yourself believe your are gonna become a better person and achieve your goals.
A recommend alkaline water is : High land spring water and here are some of the mineral also in the water.
Alkebulan also known as Kush or Etophia (Africa)
Dont Fight Carbs. EAT THE RIGHT CARBS!
These carbohydrates that people refer to are generally acidic and high in starch which are low in oxygen and when these carbohydrates are not used they begin to clog the body and the starch from the acidic carbohydrates begin to cause mucus to build up causing diseases due to lack of oxygen.
Spelt is a grain which is a more alkaline based which can be used to make spelt pasta,spelt bread pizza bases and bagels etc is a form of alternative carbohydrate so avoiding carbohydrates is not something that has to be done, its avoiding the wrong carbohydrates which must be done. I will talk about more alternative carbohydrates as well as more delicious recipes later.
More on spelt:
Water And Its Wonders
Generally you should try to consume about 4 litres of water a day minimum, this may seem like a vast amount of water but if you consider your size and the amount of water you consume you will realise that four litres throughout the whole day is not as much water as you think. If you struggle to consume a lot of water taking it slowly throughout the day consuming a couple litres every couple of hours than each week increasing the amount of litres of water you consume and you will realise that each time your body craves more and more water and see how much water your body needs to function properly.
Most people bare the symptoms of dehydration because they don't drink enough water such as tiredness dizziness and headaches and take medication to counter act this symptoms oblivious to the fact that it may be that the body is not getting enough water.
Some people feel like water is bland and bares no taste due there mass consumption of sugar drinks, milk, coffee or tea but try to drink only water for just one week, and see the difference you have and if you still crave these sugary drinks or will you find the wonders in water.
Ph Level Of Our Foods And Body
Blood is the most important element in are bodies and the optimal ph for are blood to function properly is between 7.35-7.45 which on the ph scale is in the neutral area (green), which tells us that the body wants food that are generally alkaline based to support this alkalinity. The more alkaline based the food is, the better are bodies can function and the more acidic the food, will result in are bodies struggling to function as below 6.8ph or above 7.8ph the blood cells stop functioning correctly so keeping this ph balance is vital for the natural state.
Research has shown when the body is in a more alkaline state it promotes proper cell functioning, healthy tissues and blood to flow through the body easily. The lower the ph reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The higher the ph reading, the more alkaline and rich in oxygen the fluid is.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Being in tune with the earth.
Words And There Powers
For example when someone starts a diet they almost feel like its a choir or say it reluctantly saying "ahh next week I'm going on a diet" this use of negative words automatically tells the brain that this not going to be enjoyable experience destroying yourself similar to a self destruct button. So carefully pick your words as they are a very powerful tool when considering a change of diet; instead of using negative words start by saying "I'm going to Enjoy! my diet next week and the changes I'm going to make and the targets I will achieve. These subtle words may sound insignificant, but have a dramatic affect on the mind as there is no doubt use of phrases such as "will achieve "have a more uplifting feel and that its going to happen not might or maybe it will happen and your goal will be achieved mind over matter.